
TheConvertedCatholic.com is a place for Catholic converts, those who may be curious about Catholicism, skeptics, and non-religious spiritual folks alike. The author is a recent adult convert to Catholicism who unexpectedly fell in love with the scriptures, Gospels, and Paschal mystery in her mid-thirties. Hungry to learn more and share what she has learned, she created this site in 2022 to keep track of Catholic-relevant insights and allow others to learn alongside her.

La Storta Chapel in Rome (photo taken by the author on June 20, 2022). Here St. Ignatius is believed to have had a vision of God the Father and Christ, who said to Ignatius, "I will be favorable to you in Rome" during the early days of his order's (The Society Of Jesus's) activity.

La Storta Chapel in Rome (photo taken by the author on June 20, 2022). Here St. Ignatius is believed to have had a vision of God the Father and Christ, who said to Ignatius, “I will be favorable to you in Rome” during the early days of his order’s (The Society Of Jesus’s) activity.